What in the world moves Casey Anthony psychologically? Well, it’s very messy in her mind, so I enter into her psychology, cautiously! Casey’s lies speak to her psychological motivations. The most interesting of which is the lie she told about how Zanny the Nanny took Caylee away from her. Zanny wanted to teach Casey a lesson. What does the Zanny fantasy do for Casey in her dark psychology and web of lies?
We are all essentially pressure cookers, dealing with many tensions throughout the day. The better we cope with whatever is happening outside and inside of us, the lower our pressure. I think it’s fair to say, that Casey had a lot on her mind, especially being regarded as an unfit mother, according to Lee Anthony’s latest testimony. This and perhaps Casey’s difficulty at establishing an independent lifestyle on her own was too much pressure for Casey to bear. The Zanny fantasy then did more for Casey than just hold police at bay for a short while. It allowed her a fantasy outlet for acting out shame, guilt, and deep resentments. What do you think? Share your thoughts with us.